Gifts Gallery

You are and always will be my world. A beautiful life cut short, I am struggling so much without you 💔 ❤️ ♥️
Your Mum xxxxxx 4th August 2023
My wee chicken licken I love you and miss you everyday, what I would do to hold you in my arms again. So many things were left unsaid, I love you my darling daughter ❤️ ♥️ 💖 xxxxxx
I hope you are at peace now my wee chicken licken . I love you forever xxxxxxxx
Yvonne I cannot believe that 4th August has marked 6 years without you, I don't know how i have managed to live without you, everyday is a struggle with no support from anyone, what keeps me going is that one day we will be together again. I love you more than words can say xxxxxx
Mum xxxxx 5th August 2021